28 Ocak 2014 Salı

Fees at the service of the army monotony

Weekdays military service.nPease the heat in the Central military district changed the routine service. The men, living on the ground in a tent cities, earlier than usual stand for charging.nпОтсрочки from service, deviators and stereotypes about dedovshchina. This and more is discussed at a workshop in city hall. The main question of the agenda results of the call Gras.nпВсем hi, my name is Alexander and this is my channel: Army Notepad. Very soon I will be called to military service in the armed forces, namely 13.11.2013 and in connection with.nпСходить in the army for two days. In an unusual experiment participated popular Russian and Belarusian bloggers: authors Internet articles, including Armenia.nпВсем hi, my name is Alexander and this is my channel: Army Notepad. Very soon I will be called to military service in the armed forces, namely 13.11.2013 and in connection with.nпВоенная service surrounded the whole cloud of romance. Strong men's team, the life of the regime, marching up and down and commissioning standards to all of this, almost two hundred Бирски.nпВождение infantry fighting vehicles and tanks, shooting from firearms, hand to hand combat, many kilometers of marches. The Стиллавина and his soldiers was just one week .nпвоенкомы met with the parents of conscripts. As conscripts ranks of the Russian army this year, will add about 400 Novy Urengoy dwellers. The first batch.nnPress приукраситть weekdays service in the army, the soldiers of inventing a fun and подшучиали over each other.nпСумы December 2012. Until 2017 army of Ukraine to be turned into a small population but mobile and well-trained troops. How can the latest innovations C.nпНаучиться shoot accurately, to troop, properly wear a gas mask and throw grenades. This opportunity once again appeared among seniors Нефтек.nпПодсластить service soldiers decided to employees «Уралэлектромеди». On February 23 they collect «delicious» parcels for conscripts who to call worked on them.nпслужба brother.nпАнсамбль songs and dances of the Moscow military district, shooting 1971, the conscripts.nNIN June 1944, the Red army was preparing to battle for Belarus. Troops nights moved to the borders of a future occurrence. Together with tanks went forward and CAW.nnThe do in the army.??? answer nпЖелезногорский military enlistment office invites the volunteers to pass a contract service. This offer is open to citizens from 19 to 35 years, fit for military SL.