31 Ocak 2014 Cuma

Jimmy Kimmel Chats with His Studio Audience (Zac Efron Fan)

Thursday, January 30. 2014: Zac Efron took time to hang out with the fans while visiting the Jimmy Kimmel show in Hollywood. The star was in a white polo shi. \n \nDuring a commercial break, Jimmy met an enthusiastic Zac Efron fan in the audience. He was a great audience member but not so great at telling the truth. Jim. \n \nThursday, January 30. 2014: Zac Efron took time to hang out with the fans while visiting the Jimmy Kimmel show in Hollywood. The star was in a white polo shi. \n \nThe Weather Channel's Jim Cantore excellently deflected someone trying to interrupt him during a live report recently. Jimmy found this pretty impressive, so. \n \nZac talks about his new movie - even though he's not sure if his parents approve of it. Jimmy Kimmel Live - The third part of Jimmy's interview with Zac Efro. \n \nZac tells Jimmy how he broke his jaw and what he had to go through while it healed. Jimmy Kimmel Live - The first part of Jimmy's interview with Zac Efron #K. \n \nLeaving Jimmy Kimmel and being rejected. \n \nMatt Leblanc from Friends signs autographs for fans at jimmy kimmel live june 27th, 2012, Los Angeles, Ca, United States. \n \nSpringbreakers star Vanessa Hudgens decides to sign unpersonalized autographs after saying Your just gonna sell them minutes before. She personalized for a f. \n \nZac Efron was interviewed on Jimmy Kimmel Live on Wednesday night; July 25, 2007. \n \nSubscribe to ClevverTV: On today's Clevver Feed, Joslyn