12 Mart 2014 Çarşamba

Dogs Imitating Sirens Compilation || FunnyClix

Dogs who love imitating sirens. It's kinda annoying, but also funny and cute! Dogs imitating sirens || Dogs love imitating sirens || Howling dogs || Dogs how.\r\n\r\nWatch This Dog Imitate A Siren With Hilarious Howling, Golden Retriever Dog Imitating Siren Watch This Dog Imitate A Siren With Hilarious Howling, Golden Ret.\r\n\r\nRarely seen Magpie male singing array of imitated sounds including Siren and Barking Dog !!!! Very impressive repetoire he shares with us when he is alone. G.\r\n\r\nRoscoe, a boxer, singing along with a siren. He does this every time a siren goes by. We cheated and used sound bytes.\r\n\r\nWatch This Dog Imitate A Siren With Hilarious Howling, Golden Retriever Dog Imitating Siren Watch This Dog Imitate A Siren With Hilarious Howling, Golden Ret.\r\n\r\nSee Piper, the Paul Davis Restoration & Remodeling dog, imitate a siren which only she can hear in the distance.Sounding this alarm is Piper's way of letting.\r\n\r\nFirst Saturday of every month the siren rings out and this dog always sing along. POPULAR PILATES ITEMS ON AMAZON: Pilates Anatomy - S.\r\n\r\nNala kotani roberts communicates with the ambulance's siren.\r\n\r\nDog imitates sirens - Funny Videos.\r\n\r\nThis dog always imitate by howling the ambulance siren / sound whenever an ambulance passes through the nearby road. She may be thinking that there is some d.\r\n\r\n商業Playerまたは放送でこの番組を使用するには、 licensing@storyful.comにメールしてください To use this video in a commercial player or in broadcasts, please email licensing@storyful.com 日本.\r\n\r\nJeff Maher (ABC) Sacramento, CA.\r\n\r\nEs curioso que el perro imita el sonido de la sirena de la ambulancia.\r\n\r\nBlue imitates the sirens on Holly's phone.\r\n\r\nMy dog going nuts over sirens !\r\n\r\nMy dog trying to imitate a police/firetruck siren. Had to coax her into this with a fake siren, but she does it anytime a siren gets near.\r\n\r\nCheck out my dog; he likes imitating fire and police sirens. Funny and cute.\r\n\r\nvia YouTube Capture.\r\n\r\nThis video was uploaded from an Android phone.\r\n\r\nGolden Retriever Dog Imitating Siren :))\r\n\r\nDog howls at tornado sirens.\r\n\r\nCalli and the fire engine.